
The following step set up a basic installation for FiPy. For further details see the installation guide.

  1. Install gfortran
  2. Install Python 2.x, x>3
  3. Install NumPy (> v1.0), Scipy, Matplotlib and Mayavi2
  4. Install pyvtk
  5. Install programs and libraries (and dev versions therof)
    • libvtk
    • libatlas
    • liblapack
    • libsuperlu3
    • libsuitesparse-meti (in some cases aka libumfpack)
  6. Install PySparse (
  7. (Optionally) Install PyTrilinos ( and MPI4Py (, e.g. from your distro's repo.
  8. Install FiPy [1]
    • Install FiPy from prebuilt packages or
    • Compile it yourself.
      1. Check out the source code
        svn checkout fipy
      2. Run setup script
        cd fipy/
        python build
        python install
  9. Install gmsh [2]. To improve performance you might be interested in compiling it yourself.


  3. R. Pavelka, "Numerical solving of anisotropic elliptic equation
    on disconnected mesh using FiPy and Gmsh", 2012 (Mirror)
  4. J. E. Guyer, D. Wheeler & J. A. Warren, "FiPy: Partial Differential Equations with Python", Computing in Science & Engineering 11(3) pp. 6—15 (2009)
  5. C. Geuzaine and J.-F. Remacle. "Gmsh: a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-processing facilities". International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 79, Issue 11, pages 1309-1331, 2009