Welcome to hasenkopf.xyz

Andreas HasenkopfOn these pages you will find the rantings of a physicist and IT guy about various topics featuring

  • LaTeX
  • Python
  • Numerical calculations/simulations
  • Dirty hacks
  • and some open source proejcts


As I'm not in the habbit of curating the contents of these pages please forgive me, if the information gets oudated over time or if there happens to be something better.

In case of my software projects feel free to refer to GitHub for more recent information, commens and documentation.


Interesting pages

A lightweight Wiki/CMS system based on Python Django

2 Personen Acetone Admin Magazin AeroGlass AES Aint No Wiki Amazon AMD Android Apache Aperture Array Astrology Asus Asynchronous ATI Au Babelfish Bayerisch Eisenstein beamer Beamer beamerposter Beamerposter Birnthaler Boundary Conditions Browser Bullshit Burden of Life Cairo Calendar Cartesian Clean Room CMS Coffee Compiler Compositing conference Conference congress Congress Coordinates Core i7 CPU cron CSS CUPS Customer Support Cython Defy Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften Differential Equation Diploma Django DNS Domain EBL EELS Electro Static Potential EMC EMCD Enlightenment Epic Epic Fail Epic Math Esoterics Example Extrusion Fail FAIL Ferienwohnung FIB Field File System find FiPy Firefox First Person Shooter Fit Flash Drive Flood Flow Chart Fortune Frequency Friedenskirche Fun Gatan g-brief Gimp gmsh Gmsh GoDaddy Golden Hat Google GPG GPL Graphics Gravity Grinding Großer Arber Hacker Hexagon HFSLIP Hochzeit HoneyPot How To HowTo HTML Hydrogen Atom Hysteresis Loop ICH10 ICH8 ICH9 Image Image Charge IMC Import inotify Installation Integration Internetmarke Laplace Equation LaTeX Lecture Lecture Notes Lenovo Libre Office Linear Translation Linux Logic Magnet Magnetic Field Magnets Maple Mask Math Matplotlib Mayavi MC MC2011 membrane Membrane Mencoder Mesh Metal Micro Manipulator Microscope Microsoft Mission Impossible Monty Python Motorola MPI4Py Multiprocessing Munich Murphy's Law Murphys Law Music MySQL Nabla Operator Navigation NDR Neodymium New Age Medicine nlite Notification Numpy NumPy ODE ODT Odyssey open source OpenStreetMap Optical Lithography Override Paganfest PDE PDE Solver PDF Penn & Teller PGP PhD PhD thesis PhD Thesis Physics picins PIL Pivoting Polar poster Poster Potential Prank presentation Process Process Group Programming projects proxy Proxy PsyBNC Publication Public Key Pylab PySparse python Python PyTrilinos Ray Tracer REM Resesarch Scalpel Science sciposter Scipy SciPy Screenlet Screenshot script Scripting SEM Server Setup Shell Simulation SiN Skript SourceForge Spam Spectrum Spherical Harmonics SSH Statistics STEM suds Summation Support Tech TEM TeX Theme TikZ TKIP Tor Tutorial TV USB Vector Vector Potential Video Virtual VNC Wafer Warez Wedding Wiki Windows Windows 2000 Windows8 Windows Vista WLAN WPA WPA2 Zwieseler Winkel